Julie Tato
Julie Tato has practiced Insight & Lovingkindness meditation since 1988 in the US & Asia, and has taught these practices for 15 years in Northern NM. Her primary teachers include Sharon Salzberg, Marcia Rose, and Ven. Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Julie teaches at Taos Mountain Sangha, Lama Foundation, Golden Willow Retreat, and in Santa Fe & Albuquerque. She is also an instructor of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and works as a Spiritual Care Counselor at Anvoi Hospice in Taos. In addition to these settings, she has taught meditation with children, youth, parents, bereaved folks, and other groups. A member of spiritual communities for many years, her spiritual life is eclectic & inclusive, embracing not only Buddhist training, but also Sufi, Hindu, Catholic, and Earth-based Ways, emotional healing, and community life. Julie serves as a member of the Lama Foundation, and previously worked at Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts with the administrative team, and with teacher & author Sharon Salzberg. She is committed to sharing and exploring the Dharma in support of living a more compassionate and awakened life in all ways.