The Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha meets at First Christian Church, 645 Webber Street, Santa Fe. On Tuesday evenings, we have a silent meditation beginning at 6:15 p.m. and ending at 7:00 p.m. Following announcements, there is usually a dharma talk which lasts until 8:00 p.m. and is often followed by a question and answer period. We ask our teachers to end the discussion by 8:15 p.m. Our teachers are generally from the Western Vipassana tradition, but we also invite teachers from other disciplines to give dharma talks.
Please be seated in the meditation hall before the silent meditation begins. If you are unable to be on time, you may still attend, but be certain to enter or leave as unobtrusively as possible.
Dana or generosity is one of the integral pillars of the dharma, along with cultivation of sila or harmonious living and the panna or development of wisdom. Through our generosity, we express appreciation to the teachers who give freely of their wisdom and experience, and we maintain the sangha by contributing to its ongoing expenses.
This is a fragrance-free facility and we ask you to be mindful of not using any products that cause other people adverse reactions. This includes many soaps, shampoos, lotions, sprays, etc. There is a notice posted on the bulletin board that further explains this policy and includes a list of some fragrance free products. All functions of the SFVS are fragrance free, regardless of where they are held.
The SFVS has 3-4 sangha meetings per year at the First Christian Church after a Tuesday evening meditation. The board of directors meets monthly in a board member’s home. See the Calendar of Events page for the date and location. All are welcome to attend the sangha meetings and the board meetings.
We offer a variety of courses to help our members develop and deepen their practice. An introductory course in the practice of Insight Meditation begins on the first Tuesday of alternating months and runs for four consecutive weeks. The introductory class meets at Fist Christian Church at 5:45 p.m. and ends in time for participants to attend the evening’s dharma talk. Additional introductory classes and discussions of special topics are offered during the year. Please check the web site for further information.
There is a lending library located in the office. Please follow the directions provided for check out. If you wish to donate reading material, contact the Sangha Librarian.