
Half-Day Retreats at the Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha

March 30, 2025, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Each hour will include a sitting meditation for 40 minutes and walking meditation for 20 minutes.

Other Retreats

Cultivating Kindness: A Pathway to Inner Peace and Joy
A seven-day retreat with Brian Lesage and Diana Clark, sponsored by the Santa Fe Vipassana Center and the Albuquerque Insight Meditation Center at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico. Friday, September 12 to Friday, September 19, 2025. View the program and get a registration link here.


Regional Vipassana retreats will be posted on the web sites of our neighbor sanghas. See Other Sanghas and Retreat Centers for a list of regional Vipassana sanghas.